Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Baltimore of the future-TODAY! by Aaron

Just as something to maybe get people’s minds jogging, I’ve been thinking a bunch about Baltimore’s underused spaces. Places like Pimlico Racecourse, Cylburn Arboretum and I’m sure a number of parks seem to be seriously underused. After hearing Bobbi’s great song to Bonnie Copeland (and since I’m a big sucker for harmonies, the second half of the song got me going!), maybe a monthly music jam at Cylburn would be the kind of thing Baltimore needs! Just think, Oriole Park, widely considered one of the jewels of Major League Baseball, was built on what had been completely undesired land.

Also, what if Baltimore were a great big laboratory? In many respects it already is and is thought of as a sort of social laboratory, but what about if cutting edge science and technologies were part of the city’s fabric?

For instance, if the infield of Pimlico were a solar farm. Or if they tested those kite-like wind generators down south in the shipyard areas? If during the day the indoor soccer field at 1st Mariner Arena was a testing ground for soccer-playing robots?

What if robotic “fish” were programmed to clean up debris in the harbor? Not tobe too much of a robotophile here, but what if the spirit of innovation was ingrained into Baltimore’s everyday places? What if she gave herself over to technological advancement?

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