Sunday, March 2, 2008

the 1st geoquest - can you find it???

Today, our 1st geo-cache has been implemented and awaits you to find out. We filled the cache with some amazing and personal artifacts that meant something to each of us and was our way of sharing a piece of us and getting this project started. Watch the video and you'll learn about the 1st cache and clues to help you be the 1st to locate it. It is near coordinates:

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Alex Castro of Urbanite "just watching this grow is..."

This was our last meeting at Urbanite headquarters. This video you hear from Alex Castro of the Urbanite about what it feels like to watch these ideas and teams come to fruition.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Final design is due - we are almost there

At this stage of the project we are meeting with the Urbanite team to give them our thoughts, images and our article (that's been revised several times into the wee hours :-). This video shows some of the process of actually designing the 2 page spread you see in the Urbanite magazine.

It's about 5:30pm, people are getting tired and anxious but Alex, the creative director at the Urbanite is yelling at us for not bringing our images trying to be nice and patient as we explain our ideas to him. He works quickly, like an artist and starts visualizing your thoughts and bringing them to life on the screen before you can even complete them - kinda weird :-) it's really a touch of genius at work!

How do we design this???

Here's a video clip showing some of the thought process behind the 2 page spread we had to create. The meeting was held at this beautiful site called the Woodberry kitchen which is located near the Urbanite HQ - not too far from the Woodberry light rail stop. Certainly a place you should check out - it really gave us the right setting to be inspired.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Paper Moon thoughts

We met up at the Paper Moon for a good Saturday morning breakfast and brainstorming session. At this point in the development of our idea we were still offering a variety of different ideas and we had not yet come to a conclusion of exactly what we wanted to create.

Food was delicious:
Bobbi, ordered grits (she's a major grits fan), Aaron ordered an omelet, I ordered Green tea (decaf-I kicked caffeine long time ago) and egg-white mushroom and green peppers omelet - tasty!