I was thinking about two things: when I was little and living in Chicago my dad (Herb, great guy, you would have loved him) used to take us all (I am the youngest of 5) to the museum of science and industry (all chicago museums were free!). Anyhow, there was this cool room, huge and filled with great stuff. At each end of this huge, loud, crowded space was a little glass shell on a platform. When you stepped up and whispered into the glass shell, the person standing in the other one, at the other end of the room could hear you clearly, and you could hear them. The part that was so memorable, was that unless you planned ahead with someone, you didn’t know who you were talking to. The room was so big, you could not see the other shell. So, it was just two strangers whispering to eachother across a crowded space of inquiry. What did we whisper?
The other thing that came to mind is the new sculpture in Millenium Park in Chicago. Check out the link: http://www.millenniumpark.org/artandarchitecture/crown_fountain.html

This sculpture has images of chicago people projected through the water, and folks play in the fountain. It is pretty cool to be standing downtown and connecting with people in this way.
What if there was a way to create something for Baltimore that allowed city kids and teachers and parents to communicate in this way? In a public, artistic, whispering way?
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